The traditional bouquet of roses consist 12 red ones which tell the recipient how much the sender loves and appreciates her. The bright red hue of the roses can appeal to anyone’s eyes and melt their hearts. Red is the color of contradiction as it not just symbolizes love and passion but also danger and aggression. Love and hate are both strong feelings that are similar in many ways.
Welcome to our online store!
Reem (verified owner) –
Really so beautiful,I Bought them for my Mom’s birthday,,
she was so happy,and she love it soo much,,
Thank you for the quick response,and the delivery,,,
and your kindness
God bless you all 💕
garland –
Dear Madam,
Thank you for your kind review 🙏 Happy to be at your service at anytime.
Warm regards,
Daniel Neves –
In a few words…
They are reliable, super attentive, the best customer service I’ve seen anywhere.
My girlfriend was in awe when she saw her work.
Aulin is professional, her prices are very competitive, and I cannot recommend her shop enough! Please, don’t go anywhere else, you’re in the right place, and in great hands!
garland –
Dear Mr Dan,
Thank you for your kind review. It is my job to make sure we deliver fresh flowers and on time delivery.
Look forward to hear from again.
Warmest regards,
Maji –
Great roses. The delivery was on time. Suffice to say, great service and kept us in the loop